The Joomla Training Cohort has been launched!

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00:00 Introduction and Overview
04:37 Akeeba Backup Profiles Overview
14:54 Advanced Profile: Joomla User Tables Only
19:21 Using Akeeba Backup Pro for Advanced Features
25:02 Bonus: R2H Image Manager Tool
47:48 Testing Backups on Localhost
51:48 Conclusion and Final Remarks


Introduction and Overview –

Shoutout to Rick August, camera adjustments, and announcement of the monthly giveaway.

Akeeba Backup Profiles Overview –

Explanation of backup profiles, their creation, and switching between them.

Quota Management –

How to manage storage quotas for different backup profiles.

Managing Backups Across Profiles –

Organizing and maintaining backups for multiple profiles.

Scheduling Automatic Backups –

Setting up scheduled backups for automation.

Advanced Profile: Joomla User Tables Only –

Creating a profile that backs up only Joomla user tables, with testing and downloading.

Using Akeeba Backup Pro –

Advanced features like excluding specific files and tables.

Setting Passwords for Restoration –

Enhancing security by password-protecting restoration scripts.

Bonus Tool: R2H Image Manager –

Introduction to a useful image management tool.

Testing Backups on Localhost & Conclusion –

Ensuring backup integrity through browser testing and final remarks.


Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

Contact Tim Davis β–Ί This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

JTC has been launched and is now accepting members https://cybersalt.com/services/subscriptions
mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ίhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xu4o0g2-RY&t=0s
FOLLOW US ON X(TWITTER!) β–Ί https://x.com/basicjoomla
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! β–Ί https://www.facebook.com/basicjoomla
SUBSCRIBE US ON YOUTUBE β–Ί//www.youtube.com/@Basicjoomla



Monday Maintenance 023


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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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