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Here is how to find your test Joomla 4 migration area when you return to do more work on your Joomla 4 migration.

A summary of this video:

  • Title: "How to Find Your Test Joomla 4 Migration Area"
    - Transcript:
    - Learn Joomla with Cybersol's Joomla training cohort.
    - Get a free site audit at mysites.guru for Gmail site owners.
    - Create a new Joomla 4 test migration area with "my great me4."
    - Log into the test area using the "login to the admin" button.
    - After leaving the Joomla 3 site, finding the migration area again can be done easily.
    - Go to the front page of the Joomla 3 live site.
    - Add "/mm4" at the end of the URL (the subfolder for the test migration).
    - Append "/administrator" to the URL to access the login screen for the test area.
    - Access and continue working on the Joomla 4 test migration.
    - Without adding "/administrator" at the end, preview the Joomla 4 test migration.
    - Subscribe for more videos on Joomla.

How to Find Your Test Joomla 4 Migration Area

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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