Do you wish you could move or reorganize images in your images folder without breaking the links to them in your Joomla articles? ImageManager, from R2H is just the extension you are looking for. In this Watch Me Work live stream, R2H owner, Rick Spaan, will introduce us to ImageManager and demonstrate this excellent tool for moving and managing multiple images in Joomla.
- Title: Introduction of R2H's ImageManager for Joomla - π Watch Me Work Live Stream 017 - YouTube
- Transcript Summary:
- Introduction of ImageManager by R2H for Joomla in a live stream interview.
- Rick Spann demonstrates how ImageManager helps organize images without breaking links.
- Encouragement to subscribe to the channel and get live stream updates.
- Rick Spann's background: owner of R2H, based in the Netherlands, Joomla enthusiast.
- R2H's work includes websites, web shops, custom applications, Joomla extensions, and IoT solutions.
- Dedicated to using Joomla for projects.
- Started working with HTML, leading to Joomla usage around 10-11 years ago.
- Involvement as a Joomla volunteer, Joomla exam team member, and patch tester.
- Advice for making a living with Joomla: Dedication and hard work.
- Transition to full-time Joomla work after helping out a brother-in-law's company.
- Demonstrating how ImageManager helps move images without breaking links in Joomla.
- Discussing the importance of generating thumbnails.
- Mentioning the Full Database Search Plugin to find and manage used images.
- Mentioning challenges in handling images due to varied storage methods in Joomla components.
- Explaining the "Read" indicator for images not in use.
- Actions available for images in ImageManager: Edit, Image Info, Use Anywhere, Rename, and Delete.
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