The Joomla Training Cohort has been launched!

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If you are copying content from an existing web site (especially a static html website) over to your Joomla site, you may be able to make quick work of that task by copying each page's source code, pasting it into Joomla and then using some of the built in features of JCE Editor Pro. This is an especially handy method if the page you are copying from has used lots of old style, non-mobile friendly tables.

That's what we are looking at and going to do in this live stream.



  • The video is titled "Copying and Reformatting Web Page Source Code to Joomla - πŸ‘€ Watch Me Work 069 - YouTube."
    - The video features Tim Davis working on a project to transfer content from an old static HTML website to Joomla.
    - Tim mentions that the old website uses tables and has various formatting issues.
    - He discusses using the JCE Editor Pro for this task and emphasizes its usefulness.
    - Tim demonstrates copying and pasting source code from the old site into Joomla and cleaning up the HTML code.
    - He talks about removing unnecessary elements, such as headers and footers.
    - Tim addresses issues with fonts, colors, and tables in the source code.
    - He shows how to handle broken images and discusses renaming image files.
    - Tim saves the work and previews the page in Joomla.
    - There is a viewer's suggestion to copy and paste into Notepad for adjusting styles afterward, but Tim doesn't try that approach in the video.

Watch Me Work Livestreams 069SUBSCRIBE TODAY! β–Ί https://goo.gl/N6y5bH

πŸ˜΄πŸ‘ŒWatch Me Work live streams β–Ί    β€’ Find and Replace ...  

Here are some of the links mentioned in this Live Stream - and some others:

Contact Tim Davis β–Ί This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru

MigrateMe 4 β–Ί https://www.php-web-design.com/Joomla...

Stageit for Joomla β–Ί    β€’ First Look at Sta...  

Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ί    β€’ How to Backup a J...  

Better Frontend Link β–Ί https://regularlabs.com/betterfronten...

FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! β–Ί @basicjoomla

Like Us On FaceBook! β–Ί https://www.facebook.com/basicjoomla


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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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