The Joomla Training Cohort has been launched!

Please send any feedback or bug reports to [email protected] (opens new link)  



00:00 - Introduction and Sponsor Acknowledgment

00:31 - Introduction to Maintenance Monday and Services Offered

01:05 - Setting up the Horizontal Menu in Joomla 4 Footer

02:02 - Moving the Main Menu to Footer Module Position

02:35 - Making the Menu Horizontal in the Footer

03:03 - Conclusion and Final Remarks




(As mentioned in the vide: How to Make a Menu Horizontal in Default Joomla Templates β–Ί https://youtu.be/dvY3iz7W0dc)


Introduction and Sponsor Acknowledgment:

Tim Davis introduces the video and acknowledges mysites.guru for sponsoring.

Invites viewers to get a free site audit from mysites.guru.

Introduction to Maintenance Monday and Services Offered:

Tim explains Maintenance Monday on the Basic Joomla Tutorials YouTube channel.

Highlights his expertise in Joomla site building, maintenance, and migration services.

Setting up the Horizontal Menu in Joomla 4 Footer:

Refers to a previous tutorial (Maintenance Monday #218) on adding horizontal menus to default Joomla templates for Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.

Mentions a viewer's question about adding a menu to the footer, which requires additional steps.

Moving the Main Menu to Footer Module Position:

Demonstrates using a Joomla 4 installation with demo content installed.

Navigates to "Content" > "Site Modules" to locate the "Main Menu" module.

Making the Menu Horizontal in the Footer:

Edits the module settings of the "Main Menu" module.

Changes the module position from "sidebar right" to "footer".

Adjusts the module class to "menu-horizontal" and selects a horizontal layout from the dropdown options.

Saves the changes and refreshes the page to show the horizontal menu now displayed in the footer.

Conclusion and Final Remarks:

Tim concludes the tutorial by summarizing the steps to add a horizontal menu to the footer in Joomla 4.

Encourages viewers to subscribe for more Joomla-related tutorials and offers best wishes.

Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

Contact Tim Davis β–Ί This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

JTC has been launched and is now accepting members https://cybersalt.com/services/subscriptions
mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ίhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xu4o0g2-RY&t=0s
FOLLOW US ON X(TWITTER!) β–Ί https://x.com/basicjoomla
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Monday Maintenance 237

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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