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MigrateMe 4 is a Joomla Extension that creates a testing area for your Joomla 4 Migration. This video looks at how that test area is created and a few important points arising from that.

A summary of this video:

  • Title: "How to Start a New Test Joomla 4 Migration with MigrateMe 4"
    - Successfully installed MigrateMe 4
    - Ran the first test migration
    - Realized the need to go back to Joomla 3 and run the test again
    - Can start over as many times as needed with MigrateMe 4
    - To start over, go back to Joomla 3 live site and log in
    - Go to "Components" > "MigrateMe 4" to upgrade again
    - Previous test migration efforts will be wiped out for a fresh start
    - Make changes in Joomla 3 before starting the migration again
    - Can repeat the migration process as many times as necessary to fix and improve
    - After completing the migration, get a fresh blank Joomla 4 migration to start over again
    - Subscribe for more videos and enjoy Joomla sites.

How to Start a new Test Joomla 4 Migration with MigratgeMe 4

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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