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HotoMeta, a Joomla extension for saving Open Graph tags right in the Joomla Core custom fields has new features added to it. Watch as developer John Moelholt introduces us to them.


  • John Moelholt is introducing updates to HotoMeta, an extension for Joomla.
    - The livestream is a shorter version because the host has to attend a Chamber of Commerce meeting.
    - HotoMeta helps create custom fields for Joomla articles and converts them into meta information for the document header.
    - It allows you to set up and configure custom field groups, making it core to the site, even after Joomla updates.
    - The new features include the ability to modify more custom fields, have 3D cards and old graphics fields, define metadata types, and have multiple field groups.
    - John demonstrates how to configure HotoMeta to generate meta tags for different types of content.
    - It can also generate canonical URLs for articles.
    - The plugin allows customization of Open Graph meta tags for better social media sharing.
    - John explains how to change the labels and content structure for Open Graph tags.
    - The setup is a one-time process, making it convenient for users.
    - The system allows for flexibility in managing metadata for different Joomla articles.
    - The demonstration showcases how the meta information appears in the document header.
    - The setup is versatile and allows for customization to meet specific needs.

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Here are some of the links mentioned in this Live Stream - and some others:

Contact Tim Davis β–Ί This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru

MigrateMe 4 β–Ί https://www.php-web-design.com/Joomla...

Stageit for Joomla β–Ί    β€’ First Look at Sta...  

Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ί    β€’ How to Backup a J...  

Better Frontend Link β–Ί https://regularlabs.com/betterfronten...

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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