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00:00 - Introduction and Acknowledgments

00:19 - Explanation of the Topic

00:46 - Introduction to OCH Blog

01:18 - Example of Layout Override Issue

01:46 - Demonstration on a Client Site

02:13 - Beginning the Process of Finding the Override File

02:50 - Key Tip for Finding the File

03:22 - Creating the Layout Override

03:50 - Conclusion




In this video, Tim Davis provides a step-by-step guide on how to find the correct file to create a layout override in Joomla, specifically using the example of the OCH Blog extension. By following the tip from Rude Van Lent, Tim demonstrates the effective method of clicking on "default" within the Site Templates section to reveal all available files for overrides. This approach simplifies the process and ensures that users can easily locate and modify the necessary files to customize their Joomla sites.

Introduction and Acknowledgments:

Tim Davis introduces the video, sponsored by mysites.guru, and highlights his excitement about sharing a new tip on making layout overrides in Joomla.

Explanation of the Topic:

Tim discusses the common challenge of finding the correct file to override in Joomla and credits Rude Van Lent from OCH Online Community Hub for the solution.

Introduction to OCH Blog:

Tim highlights the features of OCH Blog, emphasizing its utility for displaying author information on Joomla sites, and provides an example from a client's site (fcp.co).

Example of Layout Override Issue:

Tim demonstrates his difficulty in finding the author_info.php file for making an override to remove a horizontal rule.

Demonstration on a Client Site:

Tim shows an example of OCH Blog in action on a client site, showcasing its author information display capabilities.

Beginning the Process of Finding the Override File:

Tim navigates to the backend of a Joomla site, heading to the System section and then to Site Templates to find the correct file for an override.

Key Tip for Finding the File:

The crucial tip involves clicking on "default" within the Site Templates section, which then lists all files available for layout overrides. This method reveals the author_info.php file.

Creating the Layout Override:

Tim demonstrates creating the layout override by clicking on the author_info.php file, locating the horizontal rule in the code, deleting it, and saving the changes.


Tim expresses his excitement about the newfound method and encourages viewers to subscribe for more videos, ending with a positive note.

Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

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Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

JTC has been launched and is now accepting members https://cybersalt.com/services/subscriptions
mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ίhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xu4o0g2-RY&t=0s
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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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