The Joomla Training Cohort has been launched!

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Join us for the launch of ochGlightbox V 1.0 from Online Community Hub. Come and learn about the need and story behind it's development, see it demonstrated, and watch for the discount being offered to everyone watching live.

Are you tired of manually setting up lightboxes to let your visitors view images larger than they appear in articles? Would you like an easy wat to create image galleries on the fly in articles that your users have creates or from other locations? Watch this video to learn how to do that and more!


  • The video is about the launch party for the ochGlightbox Plugin for Joomla.
    - Tim Davis, a Joomla fan, is hosting the video on the "basic joomla tutorials" YouTube channel.
    - The video is sponsored by "mysites.guru" and offers a coupon code for a free site audit and the first month free.
    - The launch party has a festive setup with a punch bowl, food spread, and a bouncy castle for local attendees.
    - The guest, Ruth Von Lent, is an IT professional who transitioned into leadership and management roles.
    - He discusses his journey into the Joomla community and open source.
    - The discussion focuses on the new plugin, "ochGlightbox," which automatically creates pop-ups for images on Joomla websites.
    - The plugin is based on the "glightbox" JavaScript library and is fully customizable, including layouts and styles.
    - Ruth emphasizes the importance of following best practices for JavaScript and HTML to enhance security and SEO.
    - A demo of the plugin's functionality is shown on a Joomla 3.9.22 demo site.
    - The video demonstrates how "ochGlightbox" works with large images and responsive image conversion for different screen sizes.
    - Ruth discusses the use of the "webp" image format for better optimization.
    - The video showcases the ease of using the plugin for bloggers and content creators.
    - The demonstration highlights the automatic resizing and optimization of images within Joomla articles.

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Here are some of the links mentioned in this Live Stream - and some others:

Contact Tim Davis β–Ί This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru

MigrateMe 4 β–Ί https://www.php-web-design.com/Joomla...

Stageit for Joomla β–Ί    β€’ First Look at Sta...  

Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ί    β€’ How to Backup a J...  

Better Frontend Link β–Ί https://regularlabs.com/betterfronten...

FOLLOW US ON TWITTER! β–Ί @basicjoomla

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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