PHP 8.0 has reach its End Of Life. Here's how to test your Joomla site on a higher version of PHP that is still supported.
PHP 8.0 has reach its End Of Life. Here's how to test your Joomla site on a higher version of PHP that is still supported.
The "Lesson of the 4 Bench Grinders" can help you speed up the time To First Byte (TTFB) of your Joomla site.
The administrator area of Joomla 5 automatically matches the dark mode settings of your computer. If you wish it wouldn't, you can install this dark mode/light mode switch in the backend of your site!
If your Joomla site is plagued with (or has some) Deprecated, Warning, and/or Notice messages when you have error reporting and debugging turned on, you may not even need to do anything about that!
You can now set the Person or Organization Schema of your Joomla website. Are you a human being? Let the search engines know!