If you are asking for help with an error on your Joomla site, or trying to help yourself, here is a way to make sure you are getting the most helpful error messages.
If you are asking for help with an error on your Joomla site, or trying to help yourself, here is a way to make sure you are getting the most helpful error messages.
If your Joomla Admin area is broken because of an extension that you need to unpublish but you can't unpublish it because your Joomla admin area is broken, this video will show you how to find the problem and regain the access and/or functionality you need to move forward.
Joomla Extension Developers are starting to release their extensions to run only on PHP 8.1 or higher. That means it's time for us to talk about PHP 8.0's End of Live and what that means for various #Joomla versions.
People who are already logged into your Joomla site do not need to see a login link or login form. In this video I show you how to hide those things from people who are logged in.