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If you use 4SEF for Joomla and you have changed the menu type of a link on your Joomla site but the page that is showing is not changing, this might be why - and the fix.


00:00 - Sponsored Message

00:35 - Introduction to the Problem

01:14 - Menu Item Configuration Issue

01:55 - Exploring Menu Item Types and SEF URLs

03:10 - Using SEF URL Manager

04:32 - Managing Duplicate SEF URLs

05:11 - Setting the Preferred SEF URL

05:51 - Immediate Effect of SEF URL Configuration

06:26 - Deleting Duplicate SEF URLs

07:29 - Handling 404 Errors

08:06 - Conclusion and Final Thoughts




Sponsorship: Sponsored by CyberSalt's Joomla training and mysites.guru.

Problem Introduction: Orleans Church of Christ faced issues with a menu item not displaying the expected content type.

Menu Item Analysis: Menu items like "Galatians," "Peter," and "First John" were supposed to display lists of articles but had inconsistencies.

Menu Configuration: Despite setting "First John" as a category list type, it continued to display as an article.

SEF URLs: Highlighted how menu item types affect non-search engine friendly URLs and can lead to duplicate content issues.

SEF URL Manager: Demonstrated the usage of SEF URL manager to control and select primary URLs.

Handling Duplicates: Showed how to manage and delete duplicate SEF URLs to streamline URL management.

Configuring SEF URLs: Set the preferred SEF URL to ensure correct page display.

Immediate Effects: Changes in SEF URL configurations reflected immediately on the front end.

Conclusion: Advised subscribers to manage Joomla sites effectively and ensure consistent SEF URL management.

This video provides insights into managing Joomla site menu items and SEF URLs effectively to avoid content duplication and ensure correct page display.

Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

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Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

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mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ίhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xu4o0g2-RY&t=0s
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Joomla Menu Item Type Changed But the Page Doesnt Change

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