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There is a new setting that allows AutoReadMore (which automatically inserts read mores in your Joomla articles!) to play nicely when ignoring Read Mores already in Joomla articles.

AutoReadMore β–Ί  https://github.com/conseilgouz/AutoReadMore-J4


00:00 - Intro: Recap of last week's plugin issues with "Read More" tags.

00:34 - Sponsor: My Sites.Guru free Joomla site audits promo.

00:45 - Host Intro: Tim Davis introduces Maintenance Monday.

01:05 - Plugin Overview: Auto Read More plugin features.

01:45 - Recap: Link and summary of last week’s video.

02:15 - Issue Demo: Problems with existing "Read More" tags.

03:15 - Plugin Settings: Introducing "Ignore Existing Read More" option.

04:00 - Source Code: Analyzing paragraph marks issue.

05:00 - New Setting: "Merge Paragraph" setting intro.

06:00 - Setting Demo: Benefits of the new setting.

07:00 - Community Interaction: User feedback and plugin improvements.

08:00 - Conclusion: Final thoughts and invitation to subscribe.





Last week's video introduced a plugin for automatically inserting "Read More" tags in Joomla articles.

Initial Issue:

The initial version had an issue with handling pre-existing "Read More" tags in articles.

Sponsor Message:

Promo for My Sites.Guru, offering free site audits for Joomla users.

Host Introduction:

Tim Davis introduces himself and the Maintenance Monday series, focusing on Joomla extensions and tips.

Plugin Overview:

The Auto Read More plugin can insert "Read More" tags based on character, paragraph, or word counts, ensuring consistent placement.

Previous Video Recap:

Reference to last week's video, which covered the initial plugin review and its basic settings.

Issue Demonstration:

Demonstration of the problem with existing "Read More" tags, which left unwanted paragraph marks in articles.

Plugin Settings:

Introduction of a new plugin setting, "Ignore Existing Read More," to handle articles with pre-existing tags.

Source Code Explanation:

Explanation of how the source code shows paragraph tags around "Read More" tags, causing formatting issues.

New Setting Introduction:

The new "Merge Paragraph" setting addresses the paragraph mark issue, making the plugin work uniformly across all articles.

Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

Contact Tim Davis β–Ί This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

JTC has been launched and is now accepting members https://cybersalt.com/services/subscriptions
mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ίhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xu4o0g2-RY&t=0s
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