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Caching is great to speed up the page load time of your Joomla site, but sometimes you just want to empty some or all of it!


00:00 - Introduction and Sponsor Message

00:31 - Introduction to Caching and Its Importance

01:01 - Causes of Caching Issues

01:32 - How Caching Works

02:03 - Accessing Cache Management in Joomla

02:39 - Clearing Specific Cache Files

03:13 - Deleting All Cache Files

03:43 - Clearing Expired Cache

04:20 - Example of Clearing Expired Cache

05:01 - Conclusion and Call to Action




Introduction to Caching Issues:

Tim Davis discusses how caching can cause site changes to be invisible on the front end.

Types of Caching:

He identifies different types of caching that could be problematic, including browser, Cloudflare, and web host caching.

Benefits of Caching:

Caching speeds up page load times by storing a snapshot of the page, reducing the need for repeated database queries.

Outdated Cache Problems:

Outdated cache can prevent new content from displaying, making it necessary to clear the cache.

Accessing Cache Management:

Davis demonstrates how to access cache management options from the Joomla dashboard or system menu.

Clearing Specific Cache Files:

Users can clear specific cache files to update particular sections of the site, such as custom modules.

Full Cache Refresh:

For a comprehensive update, users can delete all cache files, allowing the system to rebuild with the latest content.

Using "Clear Expired Cache":

The "Clear Expired Cache" option helps manage and remove cache files that have surpassed their expiry dates.

Example of Cache Clearing:

An example shows how clearing expired cache files can reduce cached pages and improve site cleanliness.

Conclusion and Tips:

Tim concludes by encouraging viewers to subscribe for more Joomla tutorials, emphasizing regular cache management for optimal site performance.

Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

Contact Tim Davis β–Ί This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort β–Ί https://cybersalt.com/jtc

JTC has been launched and is now accepting members https://cybersalt.com/services/subscriptions
mySites.guru β–Ί https://mysites.guru
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba β–Ίhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xu4o0g2-RY&t=0s
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