Want to give the browser tab a different name than the title of Your Joomla article or Joomla menu link? No problem! That's what today's Maintenance Monday is all about.
Want to give the browser tab a different name than the title of Your Joomla article or Joomla menu link? No problem! That's what today's Maintenance Monday is all about.
Google Search Console no longer requires you to select the preferred domain setting (www or non-www version) for your Joomla website. If you still have the old required multiple listings for your domain(s) you may be confusing Google and affecting the canonical URL Google shows in its search results. How to remove potentially confusing Google Search Console properties is what today's Maintenance Monday is all about.
When PHP errors occur on your site, they are logged in a file named Error_log. You should review these logs from time to time to fix what you are able to fix. You should also delete them afterwards so they don't clutter and waste space on your web hosting account. How to find, review, and delete Error_log files is what today's Maintenance Monday is all about.
After last week's live stream on Hotlink Protection being a great way to keep other sites from displaying or using your files, in this live stream we rethink the use of Hotlink Protection because of it's interference with Open Graph images on social media. A big shout out to Vinny Hebert for thinking of this important point.
Check out his I Love Old Time Radio site βΊ https://www.iloveoldtimeradio.com
Be sure to watch for a fun way you can turn the tables and display a specific image of your own on someone else's website who is stealing from you. How to turn on and use hotlink protection is what today's Maintenance Monday is all about. That's what this Maintenance Monday is all about.
Hotlink Protection is a great way to keep other sites from displaying or using your files. This will cut down on the bandwidth use of your webhosting account and prevent others from using your files to make money instead of you. (Watch for a followup video on Hotlink Protection and it's effect on OpenGraph Images) A big shout out to John MΓΈlholt for the idea of today's topic.
Check out his Hotometa extension for Joomla βΊ https://hometoll.com/products/hotometa Be sure to watch for a fun way you can turn the tables and display a specific image of your own on someone else's website who is stealing from you.
How to turn on and use hotlink protection is what today's Maintenance Monday is all about. That's what this Maintenance Monday is all about.