It only takes one lazy AOL user to use the report spam button instead of the unsubscribe link at the end of your emails to create a huge hassle for you to keep sending to and AOL's feedback loop reports is a helpful tool to keep your mail flowing. How to sign up for AOL's feedback loop reports is what is what today's #maintenancemonday is all about.
Is your #Joomla site GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) compliant? Does it need to be? What is #GDPR all about? GDPR Compliance and your Joomla site is what is what today's #maintenancemonday is all about.
If you have - or want to have - multiple #Joomla installs on one web hosting account, avoid nesting them inside of the main Joomla install. Not only is this a better way to manage and keep track of the files of multiple Joomla installs, it will keep them separated and help avoid all sites being compromised if one of them is hacked or infected with malware. How to install and setup multiple Joomla sites in different subdomains is what is what today's #maintenancemonday is all about.
The default database table prefix for Joomla installs is JOS_. This is common knowledge amongst people who want to hack your Joomla site. You can nullify this knowledge, and make your site one step more secure, by changing your Joomla site's database table prefix to something else. How to do so using is what today's #maintenancemonday is all about.
If you have forgotten your #Joomla super admin password, or are helping someone who has forgotten their own password for their Joomla site, and you don't feel comfortable using some of the other database methods that do so, using "FC-Password" is a great alternative. FC-Password is a little file you upload to the same folder as your Joomla install. It gives you a list of all your users and allows you to reset the password of one of them. How to change a lost or forgotten Joomla Admin password with FC-Password is what today's #maintenancemonday is all about.